Friday, November 4, 2011


Rain! I love the rain. I love the smell. The pitter patter. The freshness. The free car wash.

Rain always reminds me of elementary school, where we would be barricaded in our classrooms and forced to play Thumbs Up, Seven Up, or if we were good enough, Four Corners. It reminds me of the last few minutes before the downpour, where we could already smell the aroma of clean dirt under our sneakers as we trudged across the field, lingering in the brisk air before returning to class.

Crowed cafeteria lunches and squeaky footsteps on linoleum tiles. Screams, laughter, fights, and the heaviness of a windbreaker jacket, the one mom gifted for Christmas and the same one that gets grown out of by next Christmas.

It's just all too familiar. And I love it so.