Rode a bike at midnight, cold air on my face and numb legs that never stopped, an endless cycle of thoughts and breath, thoughts and breath. Made friends, lost friends, built bridges, and got the fuck over him. Drank the night away only to spend mornings in agony. Next night same story. Felt the warmth of the truest hug and gave one in return. Said I love you and meant it. Laughed with friends and cried alone. Said I love you and didn't. Ended a journey and began another in an instant. Held hands at a beach and watched the sun rise from behind. Took a chance and finally won. Moved to a new city to start over fresh. Met different perspectives, went on a handsome date, realized what was important, and cried through decisions. Dropped the security net and quit. Drove six hours straight to another city only to find hidden fears consuming every fiber of the being. Leaned on a shoulder, found a passion, pursued an endeavor. Reinvigorated dreams and combined hearts to grow stronger. Physically alone but spiritually connected with just thoughts and breath, thoughts and breath.