FACT: Toyota likes to put shitty tires on their cars.
Babycakes v2.0 is only two years old and is already due for four brand new tires. And of course, since I'm such a dutiful car owner, I went on a mad hunt for cheap and reliable tires this week. I found a few candidates that had Italian-mafia-head-nodding-so-so-kinda-manageable prices but after taking into account the installation costs and "old tire disposal fee" (another angry fist shake at Toyota), things weren't too bada-bing bada-bang anymore ya know?
Long story short, I basically renounced my decision-making responsibility and forced my brother to find a suitable brand of tires for me. He steered me toward a set of Pirelli tires, and now I have an appointment on Saturday at 1pm to hand over $460.30 of my hard earned bacon. But you know what?! Although this scenario has all the markings of a well-deserved FML rant, I prefer to think of it as a "I feel F'd right now but ML later would be more enjoyable because Babycakes isn't stranded on the side of the freeway while making the trek back to SoCal" glass-half-full type of thing. Just one less thing to worry about in the future ya know? Bada-bing!
I guess it's that slight reassurance that I won't run into any unnecessary mishap because I'm taking care of my bizz-nit. There's that gain of looking out for your ass, I suppose, that trumps feeling financially depleted. So in the end, I'm just paying for my own ass, and gosh darn do I feel HELLA reassured I have a pretty sturdy ass that will get me back home safely.