Earlier last week I found out I made a mistake on one of my assignments at work. Oops. Something about not following the context rules on the editing program. Psh, whatever. Do I look like I'm the type of person who follows rules??
Yes. I just forgot about the context rules :(
Thankfully, though, we were able to fix the problem. No harm done. Then, today as I was tweedling away aimlessly on the computadora, my editor quietly walks into my cube and says something about no topic-id. Ah shit, busted on Facebook and in real life. Double whammy.
But, wait! There's more!
After a few minutes of talking through the problem, which by all accounts was not entirely my fault, I had to write a very lengthy email to another editor detailing the issue at hand. A response an hour later + a manageable solution by the end of the day = oh, sweet sunshine, crisis averted! Technically, however, the problem would have been there with or without my contribution; it just became more visible by default of my previous error in judgment. So technically, I saved the day. Huzzah!
Anyway, let's hope nothing else comes up (because it shouldn't!), and I finish this internship with a bang! I only have a week left so I want everything to end on a fabulous note. I don't want to leave a huge mess behind because no one had any idea what I was doing while I was there (myself included).