Okay, real blog this time. But I have to make it quick because I'm hungry.
Presents are very strong indicators of a person's past: that lovely pair of socks from Christmas 1998, glitter pens and frilly shirts for your 16th birthday, etc. Some presents are silly and others more meaningful. But it's funny because some of these "things" end up assuming more meaning later on than at the moment they are given. I was just thinking about the many gifts I have received in past years, and it made me think about how quickly things change. From one year to the next, one month, day by day. It is very interesting to observe the subtle differences of how you feel about that certain person who gave you that certain present and how you feel about the certain present itself.
Some of the best gifts I have ever received are books and music. Even though I may not keep in touch with some of these people who gave me such wonderful gifts, the present itself is a reminder of good memories. And I am appreciative of those relationships because regardless of this or that, there were good times. Good times should always be acknowledged as something good.