Yesterday I finished reading
Naked by David Sedaris. Okay, just to set the record straight, I'm not obsessed with all things naked. I hope it won't continue to be a theme here, but if it does happen to work that way then it is God's intention. It's all His fault.
Anyway, back to the book. Let me start with a quick introduction about how DIFFICULT it was to find this book. I went to practically every bookstore: Barnes & Nobles, Border

s, Costco (buy your books at Costco! wholesale goodness!), Target, even the UCSD Bookstore... nada. They had all his other books, but not
Naked, which I believe is Sedaris's first novel of the genre that he typically writes (aka semi-fiction/ memoir, humor essays, satire). I even checked Amazon and one of the comments for the book said something along the lines of, "The BEST. Sedaris fans, you'll have trouble finding this one...." BUT WHY?! Ugh, I was so close to giving up all hope until one random day it just appeared, right before my eyes, the sole copy of
Naked in all its the UCSD Bookstore. WTF. C'mon UCSD, if you had it all along why the fuck didn't you put it out earlier?! Whatever, so I bought it and started reading it, but school took over so I didn't finish it until now. I could have finished it earlier, but I didn't, so sue me.
I got into Sedaris's work when I picked up
Me Talk Pretty One Day a year ago from Costco (where else). Since then I've just been in love with his prose and language. He's so gosh darn funny! Also, I hear that he has the best live readings/book signings. He was in San Diego last October for a book reading, but tickets were so expensive. I wish I had gone though. Now I'm on the prowl for his next show and am eager to start another one of his books. Perhaps,
When You Are Engulfed in Flames....
But I can't buy a new

Sedaris book until I finish all the unread books I have now. I don't know what's wrong with me. I easily breezed through a book a day last summer, but I just can't do that anymore. Right now I'm trying to finish
The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski, which was also purchased at Costco (of course). I was really into it when I started reading it TWO SUMMERS AGO, but then it got really sad and made me cry uncontrollably so I just had to stop. I get too attached to books, I know; I can't help it. However, I'm older and wiser now, and I think I'm ready to handle
Edgar Sawtelle this summer... let's see if I can!